To give the best service to our customers, we as Semantos pay attention to work systematically. For this reason with the collaboration of our account representatives, translators and editors we offer the best quality translation. To earn the top quality translation first of all we designate each translator and editor in our translation network.
We work with the professionals who are specialized in law, pharmaceutical industry, medicine, engineering, banking and finance, marketing, media, energy, software and technology with their brilliant comprehension in use of the languages. By signing a confidentiality agreement with them we act proactively to protect our customers’ individual and corporate rights.
With our global translator and customer network, we provide service in the world standards to SME, academia, doctor, lawyer, scientist and lots of companies both in Turkey and around the world. We give place to the professionals who can make translations in 50 different languages to meet our customers with the world languages.
The translation process in Semantos
The process starts as soon as you get to communication with us. First, our customer representatives listen what your needs are to provide an efficient connection between our customers and translators. They analyze your requests to find out the most proper translator and the service then reveal a business plan.
The project enters into the process of translation quickly, according to the content of the text that is sent to the proper professional translator. Once the accurate, fluent and high readability translation is completed the control process starts which is through a second translator or an editor by comparing the translation to the main text in its own native language. The translation is completed after the correction in case of necessary problems in grammar, page layout or in terminology.
At translation process we take in consideration all the terminology and localization list that are sent from you. Other than those, to create coherent and consistent texts our customers’ corporate identities after the project, we create a special terminology list specialized for you and add it to our database.
With this way we guarantee to provide our collaboration to get more efficient and quality in time. All your files that are shared with no one except for our contractual translators according to our privacy policy are being protected under Semantos assurance.
The information of all the projects, identity of translator, how long does it take to complete the translation, the feedbacks coming from our customers are saved in a field. The knowledge of translator, the whole process of translation, all of the projects, the feedbacks coming from customers are all gathered in a field and saved to our database that is kept under inspection.